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AGAINST – Bills — Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2024, Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety (Transitional Provisions) Bill 2023; Second Reading

Matt O'Sullivan

Senator Thorpe, could you let us know if, in amongst the amendments that you moved, you moved the amendment on sheet 2628?

Lidia Thorpe


Matt O'Sullivan

I'll put that question now—I beg your pardon. The question now before the chair is that the remaining stages of the bills be agreed to and that the bills be now passed. Senator McKim.

Nick McKim

As a point of order, I'm seeking clarification on Senator Thorpe's amendment on sheet 2628. If that wasn't put, can I ask for an explanation as to why that is not being put by you. I believe Senator Thorpe wishes that question to be put.

Matt O'Sullivan

Indeed. Senator Thorpe, you have the right to have that question put.

Lidia Thorpe

I'm scared to get in trouble, because I always get in trouble—

Matt O'Sullivan

You have the call, Senator Thorpe.

Lidia Thorpe

I seek leave to have the question put on my amendment on sheet 2628, please.

Matt O'Sullivan

It was circulated early enough, so you didn't need to seek leave. The question is that clause 135 stand as printed.

Senator Thorpe opposed clause 135 in the following terms—

(1) Clause 135, page 111 (lines 1 to 4), to be opposed.


Date and time: 1:48 PM on 2024-10-10
Senator Pocock's vote: No
Total number of "aye" votes: 26
Total number of "no" votes: 15
Total number of abstentions: 35
Related bill: Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2024

Adapted from information made available by