Claire Chandler
I will now deal with the committee of the whole amendments circulated by Senator Thorpe. Senator Thorpe, are you seeking the call?
Lidia Thorpe
I seek leave to have my committee of the whole amendments on sheets 2627, 2632 and 2633 considered.
Claire Chandler
Leave is granted to consider all of those amendments together with this first question. For your information, Senator Thorpe, that will change the flow of questions somewhat, but I'm advised by the clerk that we will do it in the right order. The question will change a little bit. Senator Ciccone?
Raff Ciccone
Just one clarifying question: which sheets are we including? I think the senator mentioned only a couple, so we just want to get clarity around which ones.
Claire Chandler
My understanding, Senator Thorpe, was that you were seeking to add in, by leave, a further set of amendments, the numbers of which you just kindly read out, in addition to the amendments that have already been circulated in your name. We will move all of those as a job lot, but we do have a question about a clause standing as printed, so we will deal with that one first. Senator Thorpe, for the ease of the chamber, could you please read out those numbers again.
Lidia Thorpe
It's only because the government is trying to rush this through that everyone is confused—
Claire Chandler
Senator Thorpe, this is not for you to make a contribution; this is for you to read the numbers, please.
Lidia Thorpe
My apologies. It is sheets 2627, 2632 and 2633.
Claire Chandler
They will be moved in addition to 2718, 2719, 2517, 2918, 2502, 2633 and 2502—no? Senator Thorpe, could you confirm that you are not moving amendment 2634?
Lidia Thorpe
I can confirm that.
Claire Chandler
Thank you.
Lidia Thorpe
I seek leave to withdraw circulated amendments on sheets 2502, 2517, 2634, 2718 and 2719.
Leave granted.
I also seek leave to consider amendments on sheet 2918.
Leave granted.
Long debate text truncated.
Date and time: 1:34 PM on 2024-10-10
Senator Pocock's vote: Abstained
Total number of "aye" votes: 13
Total number of "no" votes: 28
Total number of abstentions: 35
Related bill: Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2024
Adapted from information made available by