Sue Lines
There is a further second reading amendment, but I understand that it has not yet been moved. I am now going to move on to the question that the bill be read a second time.
Question agreed to.
Pauline Hanson
I have a second reading amendment.
Sue Lines
Senator Hanson, I did call you twice. You need to pay attention. The bill has been read a second time. I'll seek advice from the Clerk. I am happy to seek the indulgence of the Senate, Senator Hanson. We have agreement. You can now move the second reading amendment.
Pauline Hanson
I move the amendment on sheet 1857:
At the end of the motion, add ", but the Senate:
(a) notes that holding referendums separately to a federal election costs the Australian public more than holding referendums simultaneously with a federal election; and
(b) calls on the Government to manage the process to ensure that if the Voice to Parliament referendum is to proceed that it is held in conjunction with the next federal election".
James McGrath
The question is that the amendment moved by Senator Hanson be agreed to.
Date and time: 11:07 AM on 2023-03-22
Senator Pocock's vote: No
Total number of "aye" votes: 3
Total number of "no" votes: 54
Total number of abstentions: 19
Related bill: Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022
Adapted from information made available by