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ABSTAINED – Bills — Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024; Second Reading

Steph Hodgins-May

I move the second reading amendment standing in my name:

At the end of the motion, add ", but the Senate calls on the Government to:

(a) ensure that early childhood education and care is universal, free and high-quality across Australia; and

(b) commit to fully funding the outcomes of the Fair Work Commission's gender pay equity research project, including ensuring that educators continue to receive funded pay rises after the 2-year period of the grant program proposed in this bill".

James McGrath

The question before the chair is that the second reading amendment moved by Senator Hodgins-May be agreed to.


Date and time: 9:49 PM on 2024-11-26
Senator Pocock's vote: Abstained
Total number of "aye" votes: 11
Total number of "no" votes: 33
Total number of abstentions: 32
Related bill: Wage Justice for Early Childhood Education and Care Workers (Special Account) Bill 2024

Adapted from information made available by