Malcolm Roberts
I move:
That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Treasurer, by no later than 5 pm on 27 March 2023, all modelling by the Department of the Treasury in relation to:
(a) the Treasury Laws Amendment (Energy Price Relief Plan) Bill 2022;
(b) the draft Competition and Consumer Amendment (Gas Market) Bill 2022; and
(c) the impact of the war in Ukraine on the price of coal and gas.
James McGrath
The question before the Senate is that the motion, No. 177, standing in the name of Senator Roberts, be agreed to.
Date and time: 3:52 PM on 2023-03-20
Senator Pocock's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 31
Total number of "no" votes: 31
Total number of abstentions: 14
Adapted from information made available by