Sarah Hanson-Young
I move:
That the following matters be referred to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry and report by 9 December 2023:
The Optus network outage that occurred on 8 November 2023 and its impact on Australians and the services that they rely on, with particular reference to:
(a) the communication from Optus to affected customers;
(b) the steps that Optus is taking to ensure that this does not happen again;
(c) the compensation offered to affected customers;
(d) the role of government in ensuring Australians have reliable access to telecommunications technology; and
(e) any other related matters.
Sarah Henderson
by leave—I move:
That the motion be amended to read as follows:
That the following matters be referred to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry and report by 9 December 2023:
The Optus network outage that occurred on 8 November 2023 and its impact on Australians and the services that they rely on, with particular reference to:
(a) the communication from Optus to affected customers;
(b) the steps that Optus is taking to ensure that this does not happen again;
(c) the compensation offered to affected customers, including:
(i) compensation offered by Optus,
(ii) the role of the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and its compensation scheme, and
(iii) actions taken by the Federal Government to support affected customers to receive fair compensation;
(d) the role of government in ensuring Australians have reliable access to telecommunications technology;
(e) steps taken by the Federal Government to ensure the access to essential service in response to the outage, including:
(i) identification of affected government services,
(ii) the establishment of alternative contact arrangements for affected government services, and
(iii) communication with Australians on those alternative arrangements; and
(f) actions taken by the Federal Government and the Australian Communications and Media Authority on the day of the outage; and
(g) any other related matters.
Anthony Chisholm
I seek leave to make a short statement.
Sue Lines
Leave is granted for one minute.
Anthony Chisholm
The government will be opposing Senator Henderson's amendment but supporting this motion for the referral of the Optus network outage to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry. Connectivity is absolutely essential for Australian consumers and businesses, and the impacts of yesterday's outage were particularly concerning. The government wants a successful and competitive telecommunications industry. It is vital for consumers, business and the regions. The government has today announced a post-incident telecommunications review into the Optus outage that affected millions of Australians yesterday. The minister has tasked her department with developing the terms of reference for a post-incident review. Additionally, the regulator, the Australian Communications and Media Authority, has independently commenced an assessment to investigate Optus compliance with the rules of requiring that emergency calls are successfully carried from mobile carriers to the emergency call person. It is critical that industry and governments take stock following large-scale outages. Given no network is immune, it is essential that communications and access to emergency services are maintained in times of network failure. (Time expired)
Sue Lines
The question is that the amendment moved by Senator Henderson to business of the Senate No. 1 be agreed to.
Date and time: 11:40 AM on 2023-11-09
Senator Pocock's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 39
Total number of "no" votes: 20
Total number of abstentions: 17
Adapted from information made available by