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AGAINST – Documents — Australian Human Rights Commission; Order for the Production of Documents

Mehreen Faruqi

I move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Attorney-General, by no later than 9.30 am on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, all documents, advice and correspondence between any of the organisations listed below and the Australian Human Rights Commission relating to past and current staff of the Australian Human Rights Commission over the last 12 months:

(a) Executive Council of Australian Jewry;

(b) Zionist Federation of Australia;

(c) Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council; and

(d) New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies.

Jacqui Lambie

I seek leave to make a short statement.

Sue Lines

Leave is granted for one minute.

Jacqui Lambie

Senator Faruqi calls out racism a lot. There's nothing wrong with that. We all should. In 2022 she told the chamber:

We are also gaslighted by those who think engaging in racist attacks constitutes a debate, even though the line between genuine, robust debate and racism and discrimination should actually be clear to everyone.

Reading this motion, I would suggest to Senator Faruqi that her motion completely crosses the line. Now it's Senator Faruqi who is gaslighting the Human Rights Commission and Jewish-Australian organisations. Just two weeks ago Mike Burgess, the head of ASIO, called on Australian leaders to be careful with their language, to do everything they could to lower the temperature and not to stoke division. But here we are again. Here are the Greens going again: stoking division and whipping up hate. Imagine if there was a motion put up in this place asking for all correspondence for Muslim groups and staff correspondence with the Human Rights Commission. The Greens love talking the progressive walk. They are hypocrites. I hope your voters punish you at the next election.

You are religiously being racist!

Sue Lines

Order, Senators Lambie and Faruqi! Senator McKim?

Nick McKim

On a point of order. The last words Senator Lambie uttered after she sat down—

Sue Lines

If you think they're offensive, ask me to ask her to withdraw. I don't want them—

Nick McKim

I think they're offensive, and I ask her to withdraw.

Sue Lines

Senator Lambie, there were interjections in the chamber, if you—

Jacqui Lambie

I withdraw.

Sue Lines

Thank you very much. Senator Duniam?

Jonathon Duniam

I seek leave to make a short statement.

Sue Lines

Leave is granted for one minute.

Jonathon Duniam

One of the issues that Jewish groups have raised in the last 12 months is the involvement of AHRC staff in the doxxing of Jewish creatives, which has made so many Jewish Australians feel unsafe in their own country. This motion seeks to use the processes of parliament to double down on that doxxing, and it's not an appropriate use of parliamentary powers at all.

Helen Polley

The question is that general business notice of motion No. 582, standing in the name of Senator Faruqi, be agreed to.


Date and time: 4:22 PM on 2024-08-21
Senator Pocock's vote: No
Total number of "aye" votes: 12
Total number of "no" votes: 28
Total number of abstentions: 36

Adapted from information made available by