Jordon Steele-John
I move:
That there be laid on the table by the President of the Senate, by no later than 4.30pm on Wednesday, 28 February 2024, the draft report on the accessibility of Australian Parliament House that was prepared by the Australian Network on Disability and given to the Department of Parliamentary Services on Friday, 22 December 2023.
Jonathon Duniam
I seek leave to make a short statement.
Sue Lines
Leave is granted for one minute.
Jonathon Duniam
The coalition is unable to support this motion today. We have indicated to the Greens that our preference is that the matter be postponed until the March sittings to allow further discussions to take place between Senator Steele-John, the mover of this motion, and the President's office, as well as the Department of Parliamentary Services. Given the motion has not been postponed, we will have to oppose it today; however, we of course reserve the right to support a similar motion if one is brought forward to the chamber in March and the issue hasn't been resolved.
Sue Lines
The question is that general business notice of motion No. 477 standing in the name of Senator Steele-John be agreed to.
Date and time: 5:05 PM on 2024-02-27
Senator Pocock's vote: Aye
Total number of "aye" votes: 14
Total number of "no" votes: 34
Total number of abstentions: 28
Adapted from information made available by