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Pages tagged "training"

Webinar: Unpacking the Four Policy Pillars

March 05, 2025 at 6:30pm

Webinar: Understanding our Campaign Volunteer Strategy

Please join Team Pocock for this short online seminar on our volunteer strategy for the 2025 election campaign. We'll give a brief overview of how David gained his seat in the Senate in 2022, explain the numbers we need for him to be re-elected and therefore our volunteer strategy for 2025 - including an explanation of the priority suburbs where we will focus most of our efforts.

This event is for registered volunteers only. 

February 25, 2025 at 6:30pm

Webinar: Understanding Voting for the Senate

Please join Team Pocock for this short online seminar on how voting works in the Senate. You'll get all the information you will need to answer any tricky questions while out campaigning - the difference between 'above the line' and 'below the line' voting, quotas, how preferences work and why they are so important in the ACT Senate race. We'll answer any questions you may have about how voting for the Senate works!

March 11, 2025 at 6:30pm

Outreach Seminar

March 13, 2025 at 6:30pm
Campaign Office
24 Richmond Avenue
Canberra Airport, ACT 2609
Google map and directions