I used my balance of power position in the Senate to secure a range of amendments to the Climate Change Bills 2022.
These bills legislate a 2030 and 2050 emissions reduction target for the first time in Australia's history.
It was an important first step, but the science says more ambition is needed.
I moved a range of amendments to improve the bills. Some were supported by the Government and the Greens and therefore made it into the final law, others were defeated.
A snapshot of the amendments I moved is below:
A requirement that proper consideration of climate change risk be included in the Minister's annual statement. |
An emissions impact assessment to be published (proposed jointly with the Jacqui Lambie Network). This amendment would have legislated transparency on the impact that federal budget measures have on our emissions budget. |
A strengthening of mechanisms to hold the government to account if they fail to act on climate change. Australians deserve to be able to call out inaction. |
A requirement that the annual climate change statement must address the progress made in reducing Australia’s exported (scope 3) emissions. |
Public consultation so that the scientific community, and the broader Australian community have an opportunity to contribute to advice on an annual climate change statement. |
A requirement that advice from the Climate Change Authority on emissions reduction targets explain how the advice has taken the best available scientific knowledge into account. |
Closure of a potential loophole that could allow ARENA to fund questionable technologies. The integrity of ARENA is fundamental to our ability to reduce emissions. |
On behalf of our community, I was proud to use my position to secure changes that will add more transparency, accountability and integrity to this legislation.
You can see my speech in the Senate on this legislation here.