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Campaign Update: Courage and Hope 22 Feb

Weekend wrap and the week ahead

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much! We now have volunteers in every suburb in Canberra (and many outside of Canberra) and have systems in place to build on this and do something special here in the ACT. If you haven’t signed up to volunteer yet and would like to, you can do so


We’ve had a great few weeks building the campaign and talking to Canberrans about what’s important to them. We’re about to get even more active, building a movement of people who want to make Canberra count.

You can share this update with friends and family here:


We’ve had volunteers at shopping centres, local parks, University of Canberra and ANU O-Weeks, as well as putting up corflutes and letterboxing. This last weekend I was at Coombs Parkrun, Cooleman Court shopping centre, the Brumbies vs Force game. We wrapped up with ‘Politics in the Park’ in O’Connor, discussing everything from what skills a Senator needs to cost of living and how we can make politics work for people not parties (and their donors).

I’m loving getting out and hearing from Canberrans. We’ll be having a lot more events over the next few months. We will send out updates for dates and venues, as well as more regular updates from the campaign.

Thanks again for the support, David

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