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Campaign Update: Update from David

The opportunity to stand up for what our community cares about most was a deciding factor for me to put my hand up to run as an independent for the senate.

It was another big week on the campaign and a series of really disappointing developments this week have reinforced just how critical the need is for stronger voices in politics. We need more people who don’t have to toe a party line and can hold decision makers to account on the things that matter to us all.

We need strong national leadership on the things that matter to us all. It’s about having the courage and integrity to do what’s right, not what’s most politically expedient or in service to vested interests. And that extends to our role as a global citizen. 

Things like the duty of care our federal government has to current and future generations. I still find it hard to believe that the Australian Government sought to argue against this obligation. While disappointing that their appeal was upheld, the legal position doesn’t change the moral responsibility governments have to the people they should be serving, including young people. 

Care for our unique and spectacular continent is another.

In another demonstration of just how valuable their work is (and why I have called for their funding to be restored!) the Australian National Audit Office’s report into the management of our growing number of threatened species was damning.

In the last year alone another 34 species have been listed as endangered, including the Koala and the ACT’s animal emblem, the Gang-gang cockatoo. This is deeply concerning. We need a federal environment department resourced and empowered to protect our precious wildlife and critical ecosystems. What we don’t need is a further watering down of the checks and balances under environment law. You can read my media release on this issue here

Reports this week that Australia has conspicuously left oligarchs with interests in the fossil fuel industry here in Australia off the sanctions list Despite Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s call to do more to help is seriously concerning.

If we want to change this we need people in government who will turn these challenges into opportunities and do what's right. We're building momentum but we need your help. I'd love you to consider hosting a yard sign, which anyone can do in their yard, hedge or on their balcony in the ACT. 

If you are able to donate, your contribution will go towards organising upcoming events, printing signage and materials for letterboxing - all crucial as we get closer to the election. You can donate here

It's not all doom and gloom, side-by-side with the frustrations and disappointments of this week were causes for hope. I had the opportunity to meet with some real heroes, champions who make our city, and or country, a better place in big and small ways. 

I caught up with the dedicated people at the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation to talk about the challenges nurses are facing and what can be done to better support them after such a heroic effort over the last two years through the pandemic. We also discussed the policies needed to better care for Australians in aged care.

It was an honour to meet with Aunty Pat Anderson AO on Thursday for #ClosetheGapDay22. Aunty Pat's work in pioneering Aboriginal Health Services make her a national hero. There is so much work for us all to do: first and foremost is Voice, Treaty, Truth: accepting the unbelievably generous offer that was the Uluru Statement from the Heart. As Aunty Pat said to me, we need to give First Nations people a proper place in their own country. 

Earlier in the week I met with some fantastic representatives of our community sporting community who do so much on the ground -- not least giving young people the opportunity to get active and form lifelong friendships.  

There’s another jam packed weekend coming up with a host of events. I’m really enjoying getting out and about in the community. 


7.15am Tuggeranong Park Run

9.30am Lanyon Shopping Centre Stall

10.15am Gordon Community Day

11.15am Kambah Shopping Centre

12pm Harvest Day at Pialligo Estate 

2pm Politics in the Park – Denman Prospect 

4pm Craft Beer and Cider Festival, Braddon


11am Old Bus Depot Markets, Kingston

12.30pm National Sheep Dog Trials

2.15pm Watson Micro Forest Laumch

Please come say hi and thank you as always for your amazing support.


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