I’m hearing from so many of you in the community that the cost of living crisis is hitting Canberrans hard. Join me, Hands Across Canberra CEO Genevieve Jacobs and ACT Council of Social Service CEO Dr Devin Bowles to discuss the steps we can take to address this crisis, including some of the big reforms I’m pushing for in the next term of Parliament.
Come along from 5pm to join us for a community BBQ, and stay around afterwards for a chat about the issues important to you.
Please register to attend. An email confirming the venue along with further event details will be sent to you closer to the event.
I am dedicated to ensuring that these events are inclusive and safe spaces that can be attended by anyone. If there’s anything I or my team can do to ensure you are able to attend and get the most out of the experience (e.g. by having an AUSLAN interpreter available), please email [email protected].