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Town Hall - February 2023

February 22, 2023 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Belconnen Arts Centre
118 Emu Bank
Belconnen, ACT 2617
Google map and directions

Come along to our February Town Hall in Belconnen to hear about progress on key priorities and talk to me about the issues that are important to you.

The town hall meetings are part of my commitment to doing politics differently and remaining open, accountable and accessible to our community.

With access to affordable housing still one of the biggest challenges faced by our community, and legislation to establish the $10bn Housing Australia Future Fund and the new National Housing Supply and Affordability Council coming before the parliament, our guest speaker for the evening will be YWCA Canberra CEO Frances Crimmins.

Frances is passionate about supporting people experiencing homelessness, with a particular interest in addressing the needs of older women and women with children at risk of homelessness. In her time as CEO of YWCA Canberra, Frances has led the continued growth of the organisation’s housing portfolio, growing both supply of housing and support services. She is also an advocate for policy measures that address the root causes of homelessness for women, including gender inequality and gender-based violence.

Frances will speak on housing in the ACT before handing over to me for a brief update on what I've been up to recently and what's on the agenda in the coming weeks. We will then move onto Q&A. You are invited to submit your questions online via Slido as well as from the floor on the day. Please submit them here (enter the code Pocock23 if prompted).

We will also live stream this event on Zoom here and from my Facebook page here.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Please register to attend and an email confirming the venue along with further event details will be sent to you closer to the event.

I am dedicated to ensuring that these events are inclusive and safe spaces that can be attended by anyone. If there’s anything I or my team can do to ensure you are able to attend and get the most out of the experience (e.g. by having an AUSLAN interpreter available), please email [email protected] 



Will you come?