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Will you join Team Pocock?

I’ve spent the last two and half years listening to our community and pushing hard on the issues that matter most to you.  

I’m proud of what we’ve achieved (which you can see a summary of here) but there’s still so much more to do. 

This week, in this last sitting fortnight of the year, the government has introduced their electoral reform package with minimal consultation and no scrutiny. Electoral reform is urgently needed but not like this. 

With a federal election fast approaching and the major parties doing their best to block more community independents from entering the Parliament, Team Pocock is gearing up for the 2025 campaign.

And we’re asking you to join us

If you value independent representation and our mission to make politics more open, accountable and community-driven, please join Team Pocock to help keep me in the Senate and fighting for the ACT. 

Last month proACT announced that they have again endorsed me as the community-backed independent for the Senate at the next federal election. I am deeply grateful for this. It’s a privilege to represent a community I love and I will keep listening and working hard for the people of the ACT.

But I can’t do it without you. 

The election could be just a few months away and we need to be ready, so please join me

We’ll be out in the community, continuing to listen and discussing the priorities I will be taking into the next election, with a strong focus on cost-of-living, housing, health, climate and Nature. 

I’m encouraging everyone - whether you volunteered last election or this is your first time - to sign up now so we can keep you updated on what’s happening. 

I’ll also be hosting a get together for volunteers - new, old and future - where you can find out more. It’s from 4 - 6pm on 8 December at the Red Shed, Canberra’s beautiful new venue on the lake. 

I would love to see you there! RSVP here

Warm regards,

David Pocock

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