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Who is funding David’s campaign?


Under the current system, all political candidates require funding if their campaigns are to be competitive.

David’s campaign is powered by people and funded by the community.

David welcomes the increased scrutiny around political donations and wants to see more transparency and reform of this in the next term of parliament.

David has been open and upfront about where donations to his campaign are coming from. 

By the end of the first week of the election being called, David had received more than 400 individual donations from people right across the ACT community and around the country.

David has also accepted some support from Climate 200, who are backing a number of independent candidates committed to action on climate. 

Like most Australians, David cares about the environment. He wants to see sensible action and a proper plan so that households and businesses stop missing out on the huge savings and economic opportunities from the energy transition while also safeguarding the places and people we love.

Canberrans are among the biggest donors to C200 which has now received support from more than 10,000 people across the country.  If you are interested you can see their donor list here 

C200 is not a political party and the AEC has publicly confirmed that it is not required to register as one. There are no terms, conditions or influence attached to the support David has received from them. C200 has no say over David’s policies or actions.

All donations David receives are being declared in accordance with Australian electoral law and processes.

The same scrutiny of electoral donations needs to apply equally to all candidates and parties.

In the 2019-2020 financial year all political parties put together received $168 million in declared donations, as disclosed by the Australian Electoral Commission