Why are there signs up around Canberra portraying David as a Greens candidate?
The signs appearing around Canberra portraying David as a Greens candidate are false and part of a deliberate scare campaign by Advance Australia.
David is not running as a Greens candidate, he is running as a true Independent to represent our community.
You can read David’s full media statement in response to these signs here and his earlier call for candidates to run a clean campaign here.
One of Advance Australia’s directors is Vicki Dunne, a former liberal MLA and close colleague of Senator Seselja.
Advance Australia is also responsible for the attack ad flyers recently distributed to households across the ACT.
The campaign has lodged an official complaint with the Australian Electoral Commission and is exploring other potential avenues noting there are currently no federal truth in political advertising laws.
The campaign team has received a large number of calls and emails from voters expressing concern about the signs, including the fact that many appear to have been erected in the place of existing official David Pocock campaign signs.
We would like to thank the community for their support but also remind people that it is illegal to remove or tamper with duly authorised electoral signage, even when they are deliberately seeking to mislead voters as these ones are.